Retail Archives - DMNews Digital Marketing News Mon, 15 Jan 2024 02:27:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Retail Archives - DMNews 32 32 Customer Expectations: How Retailers Can Meet Them Sun, 14 Jan 2024 18:05:24 +0000 In today’s evolving retail landscape, meeting customer expectations is crucial for businesses to thrive. Customers now have higher…

The post Customer Expectations: How Retailers Can Meet Them appeared first on DMNews.

In today’s evolving retail landscape, meeting customer expectations is crucial for businesses to thrive. Customers now have higher expectations than ever before, and companies must be willing to go the extra mile to meet these expectations and provide exceptional customer experiences. In this article, we will explore the strategies and best practices that retailers can adopt to meet and exceed customer expectations, ensuring their long-term success in a competitive market.

Retail is evolving, possibly faster than at any other time in history. Here’s how small businesses can keep up with customer expectations.

“Retail as the Third Space” is the key trend affecting small businesses. Today, retail is all about knowing and fulfilling customer expectations. This has been going on for a long time, but it’s really starting to take hold now.

Brick-and-mortar retail will more and more be a “third” space. In addition, it will be one that is only partly about transactions. As eCommerce and mCommerce become more common, retail space is evolving and adapting to the challenges.

This means, among other things, customer service, the customer experience, and creating a distinctive, engaging environment.

5 Things Customers Want in a Retail Store

1. Personalized service is expected.

Customers demand face-to-face service that isn’t available online. This is critical for your store to stand out from the one-dimensional internet purchasing experience.

According to recent research, customized treatment from a sales associate is a major factor in the retail business. In fact, it is a significant component in deciding where to purchase for at least 75 percent of consumers. Customers are more than happy to give personal information if it will help you provide better service.

What to do about this customer expectation:

Compile client information and use it to tailor offerings and interactions. However, keep in mind that your workers put the “person” in “personalization” in a brick-and-mortar store.

Therefore, make sure your salespeople are well-versed in customer service. In addition, see to it that they have the authority to provide a great customer experience. Personality is vital. You can teach someone how to use a cash register. However, you can’t teach them how to deal with people.

2. Customer expectations include online and offline access.

Customers are looking for a similar experience across all channels. Even the big retailers are catching up where this is concerned. Customers want to have easy transitions from your internet store to shopping retail.

For example, according to recent research, 56 percent of consumers want to have a shared shopping cart that crosses all channels. They would like to be able to put something in the basket on their desktop and have it appear on their phone. However, only 7% of retailers provide this feature.

In addition, shoppers want to be able to order items online and pick them up in-store. Further, they would like to be able to order items online and return them to a local retail location. Only 29% of shops, on the other hand, offer customers the option of buying online and picking up something in their retail store.

What to do about these expectations:

If your company has both an eCommerce and a brick-and-mortar presence, make sure the two experiences are connected such that one complements the other.

Look at shopping cart software that allows users to share their carts across several channels. Additionally, examine your store and website in detail. Ask yourself if your brand is consistent both online and offline.

Furthermore, try visiting your website as if you were a consumer. Pay attention to how easy it is to browse and buy. Ask yourself if your eCommerce experience on a phone and a laptop are the same. Finally, consider incorporating click-and-collect into your store.

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3. Retailers and shoppers take full advantage of mobile technology.

In your retail store, how are you using mobile technology? It’s used for a variety of purposes by your consumers.

According to a recent poll, 63 percent of shoppers use their mobile phones at stores to compare prices, check inventory, look for deals or coupons, and more. Therefore, consumers expect to receive mobile discounts and coupons on their phones.

Furthermore, 67 percent say that promotions like these have a big impact on where they purchase. Additionally, 40% believe they are more likely to shop at a location with a mobile point of sale.

What to do about these customer expectations:

Use mobile technology to empower salespeople so they can stay up with their consumers.

Within the next three years, according to studies, three-quarters of shops expect to have devices in the hands of their employees. Only 16 percent have them in-store now and believe they are effective. In addition, 20 percent have them but believe they could be better.

With a mobile POS, your salespeople can complete sales floor transactions the moment a customer decides to buy. This will decrease line waiting and provide salespeople more time on the sales floor to interact with customers. According to recent research, the latest POS trend is that 22% of merchants allow customers to check out using their mobile phones.


4. Customers expect loyalty rewards.

It’s great to be able to recognize loyal customers during checkout. However, what if you and your staff could recognize loyal customers as soon as they enter the store?

Almost two-thirds of the consumers polled say they don’t mind if shops recognize them as they enter the store. This is true as long as they get something good in exchange.

What to do about this expectation:

Look for loyalty rewards schemes that allow you to track customers in-store using their smartphones.

You’ll need to give incentives to persuade clients to sign up and reveal their personal information and location. However, invitations to special events, early access to new products, and personalized promotions are all popular and effective loyalty bonuses.

5. In-store financing is expected.

Credit cards are typically unavailable to cash-strapped and debt-averse people. Without credit, paying for expensive retail goods might be difficult.

Therefore, to address the problem, an increasing number of retailers are providing financing. This allows consumers to divides payments into smaller pieces. It’s identical to traditional layaway. The difference is that clients get their products immediately.

Retailers benefit from this as well. According to one survey, 36% of respondents think that financing allows them to purchase more expensive items than they might otherwise.

What to do about this expectation:

Financing isn’t simply for big-ticket items.

Because it’s something they are demanding, even clothing companies have begun catering to younger customers and are starting to provide it.

If you want to target this market, learn more about how to offer installment payment choices. In addition, you can check out other companies that provide in-store financing and how it works for them.


Meeting Customer Expectations: The Key to Retail Success

‍Photo by geralt on Pixabay


1. Understanding Customer Needs and Preferences

To effectively meet customer expectations, retailers must first gain a deep understanding of their target audience. It’s not enough to rely on basic demographic information; retailers need to dig deeper and uncover the needs, interests, and motivations of their customers. Market research plays a vital role in this process, allowing retailers to gather insights and feedback directly from their customers.

By conducting surveys, interviews, and analyzing customer data, retailers can identify key patterns and preferences among their customer base. This knowledge enables businesses to tailor their products, services, and overall customer experience to align with customer expectations.

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2. Personalization: The Power of Tailored Experiences

One of the most effective ways to meet customer expectations is through personalized experiences. Customers expect brands to understand their unique needs and provide tailored solutions. By leveraging customer data and technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), retailers can deliver highly personalized recommendations, offers, and interactions.

For example, retailers can utilize customer purchase history and browsing behavior to curate personalized product recommendations. They can also implement targeted email marketing campaigns and loyalty programs to engage customers on an individual level. The more retailers can personalize the customer experience, the better they can meet and exceed customer expectations.

3. Seamless Omnichannel Experience

In today’s digital age, customers expect a seamless omnichannel experience. The boundaries between online and offline shopping have blurred, and customers want to have consistent interactions across various touchpoints. Retailers must ensure a smooth and integrated experience throughout the customer journey, regardless of the channel or device used.

This means offering features like click-and-collect, allowing customers to purchase online and pick up in-store. It also involves providing real-time inventory information, enabling customers to check product availability at their preferred location. By creating a seamless omnichannel experience, retailers can meet customer expectations for convenience, flexibility, and consistency.

4. Transparency and Ethical Practices

Customers today value transparency and expect businesses to be socially responsible. Retailers should be open and honest about their policies, pricing structures, and sourcing practices. By providing transparency, retailers build trust with their customers and demonstrate their commitment to ethical business practices.

For example, retailers can share information about their supply chain, highlighting fair trade partnerships or sustainable manufacturing processes. They can also provide clear pricing breakdowns, ensuring customers understand the value they receive. Transparent practices not only meet customer expectations but also contribute to brand loyalty and advocacy.

5. Proactive Customer Support

Meeting customer expectations goes beyond the initial purchase. Customers expect proactive and responsive customer support throughout their journey. Retailers should invest in robust customer support systems, including multiple channels such as phone, email, live chat, and social media.

Furthermore, retailers can leverage AI-powered chatbots to provide instant and accurate responses to customer queries. These chatbots can handle basic inquiries, freeing up human support agents to focus on more complex issues. By providing proactive and efficient customer support, retailers can meet customer expectations for timely assistance and problem resolution.

6. Continuous Improvement and Innovation

To stay ahead in the retail industry, businesses must continuously improve and innovate. Customer expectations are constantly evolving, and retailers need to adapt to meet these changing needs. By embracing new technologies, exploring emerging trends, and staying updated on industry developments, retailers can ensure they are at the forefront of customer expectations.

For instance, retailers can leverage data analytics to gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. This data-driven approach allows retailers to identify areas for improvement and make data-backed decisions to enhance the customer experience. By constantly innovating and improving, retailers can exceed customer expectations and maintain a competitive edge.

7. Feedback Collection and Actionable Insights

Collecting customer feedback is essential for meeting and exceeding expectations. Retailers should actively seek feedback from their customers through surveys, reviews, and social media engagement. This feedback provides valuable insights into customer satisfaction, identifies areas for improvement, and highlights successful strategies.

By analyzing customer feedback, retailers can identify recurring issues or trends and take actionable steps to address them. This customer-centric approach demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and shows customers that their opinions are valued. Additionally, retailers should regularly communicate with their customers, updating them on improvements made based on their feedback.

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8. Competitive Analysis and Differentiation

To meet customer expectations effectively, it’s crucial for retailers to keep a close eye on their competitors. By conducting thorough competitive analysis, retailers can gain insights into what their competitors are doing well and identify areas where they can differentiate themselves.

For example, retailers can analyze competitors’ pricing strategies, product offerings, and customer engagement tactics. This information can help retailers identify gaps in the market and develop unique value propositions that set them apart. By understanding the competitive landscape, retailers can align their strategies with customer expectations and stand out from the crowd.


Meeting customer expectations is a continuous journey that requires a deep understanding of customer needs, personalized experiences, seamless omnichannel interactions, transparency, proactive customer support, continuous improvement, feedback collection, and competitive differentiation. By prioritizing these strategies, retailers can build strong customer relationships, foster loyalty, and position themselves for long-term success in the ever-evolving retail industry. Remember, meeting customer expectations is not a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment to delivering exceptional experiences that exceed customer expectations at every touchpoint.


Q&A Section:   

  1. Why is meeting customer expectations crucial for retailers in today’s evolving retail landscape?
    • Meeting customer expectations is crucial for retailers as customers now have higher expectations than ever before. Satisfying these expectations and providing exceptional experiences are vital for the long-term success of businesses in a competitive market.
  2. What is the significance of the “Retail as the Third Space” trend for small businesses, and how does it impact customer expectations?
    • “Retail as the Third Space” highlights the evolving nature of retail, emphasizing customer service, experience, and creating distinctive environments. Small businesses need to adapt to this trend, focusing on customer expectations related to personalized service, seamless transitions between online and offline channels, and engaging in-store environments.
  3. What are the key expectations that customers have in a retail store, according to recent research?
    • Customers expect personalized service, a seamless experience across online and offline channels, effective use of mobile technology, loyalty rewards, and in-store financing options. These expectations contribute to a holistic and satisfying customer journey.
  4. How can retailers address the demand for personalized service in a brick-and-mortar store?
    • Retailers can compile client information to tailor offerings and interactions. It is crucial to invest in well-trained salespeople with the authority to provide an excellent customer experience. Creating a personalized experience involves understanding customer preferences and needs.
  5. Why is a seamless omnichannel experience essential for meeting customer expectations, and how can retailers achieve it?
    • Customers expect consistency across all channels, requiring a seamless omnichannel experience. Retailers can achieve this by connecting their eCommerce and brick-and-mortar presence, offering features like click-and-collect, and ensuring a consistent brand experience both online and offline.
  6. How can retailers effectively leverage mobile technology to meet customer expectations?
    • Retailers can use mobile technology to empower salespeople, allowing them to stay connected with consumers. Implementing a mobile point of sale (POS) system can streamline transactions and enhance the customer experience. Providing mobile discounts, coupons, and promotions aligns with customer expectations related to mobile technology.
  7. What role do loyalty rewards play in meeting customer expectations, and how can retailers implement effective loyalty programs?
    • Loyalty rewards contribute to recognizing and retaining loyal customers. Retailers can implement loyalty programs by tracking in-store customer activities using smartphones. Incentives like special events, early access to products, and personalized promotions can encourage customers to participate in loyalty programs.
  8. Why is in-store financing becoming an expectation, and how can retailers of various sizes incorporate this into their offerings?
    • In-store financing addresses the needs of customers without credit cards and allows them to make affordable payments. Retailers can offer financing options for various items, not just big-ticket purchases, catering to a broader customer base. Exploring installment payment choices and learning from other businesses can help retailers implement effective in-store financing.
  9. How can retailers continuously improve and innovate to stay ahead of evolving customer expectations?
    • Retailers can stay ahead by embracing new technologies, exploring emerging trends, and regularly evaluating customer data. Data-driven insights from customer behavior and preferences can guide improvements. Adopting a culture of innovation and keeping up with industry developments ensures that retailers remain competitive and aligned with customer expectations.
  10. Why is feedback collection crucial for meeting and exceeding customer expectations, and how can retailers effectively act on customer feedback?
    • Feedback collection provides valuable insights into customer satisfaction and areas for improvement. Retailers can act on feedback by analyzing recurring issues, making data-backed decisions, and communicating improvements to customers. Regularly seeking and acting on feedback demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and customer-centricity.
  11. How can retailers differentiate themselves from competitors and meet unique customer expectations in a competitive market?
    • Thorough competitive analysis allows retailers to identify what competitors are doing well and areas for differentiation. By offering unique value propositions, understanding the competitive landscape, and focusing on customer needs, retailers can stand out and align their strategies with evolving customer expectations.
  12. In conclusion, why is meeting and exceeding customer expectations an ongoing commitment for retailers in the retail industry?
    • Meeting and exceeding customer expectations is an ongoing commitment because customer expectations are constantly evolving. It requires a deep understanding of customer needs, personalized experiences, seamless omnichannel interactions, transparency, proactive customer support, continuous improvement, feedback collection, and competitive differentiation. This commitment ensures exceptional experiences at every touchpoint, fostering strong customer relationships and long-term success in the dynamic retail industry.

The post Customer Expectations: How Retailers Can Meet Them appeared first on DMNews.

5 Benefits of Using an Online Printing Service Fri, 29 Dec 2023 03:18:56 +0000 Image Source: FreeImages   In today’s digital age, the printing industry has undergone significant changes, with online printing…

The post 5 Benefits of Using an Online Printing Service appeared first on DMNews.


Image Source: FreeImages


In today’s digital age, the printing industry has undergone significant changes, with online printing services becoming increasingly popular. Gone are the days of traditional brick and mortar printing companies being the only option for businesses and individuals looking to create professional and high-quality printed materials. Online printing services offer a wide range of benefits, from convenience and cost savings to access to advanced printing technology and professional designs. 

Were you aware that the global digital printing services market is on pace for a $35.71 billion valuation by 2028So says Allied Market Research, which adds that the compound annual growth rate between 2021 and 2028 could come in at 3.7%. Digital printing offers cost-effective, innovative, and short-run printing fast.

Whether you want business cards, direct mail, letters, brochures, or any other marketing materials, digital printing makes sense. Yes, you can go to a local printer to get what you need. But there are benefits that come with going the digital route.

Have you ever used an online printing service before? There was a time when getting professional printing services meant going to a brick-and-mortar facility, speaking with a staff member, and ordering whatever you need. But the merging of the internet and the printing space means you can get those same printing services online.

If you’ve never used online printing services before, you don’t know what you’ve been missing. In this article, we will explore the advantages of using online printing services and how they can benefit businesses and individuals alike. Here’s a look at 5 benefits of adopting online printing services.

1. Instant Access and Convenience

One of the primary advantages of online printing services is the convenience they offer. With just a few clicks, you can access a wide range of printing services and products from the comfort of your office or home. No longer do you need to drive to a physical printer and spend time discussing your requirements in person. Online printing services provide instant access to information and services, allowing you to order business cards, flyers, brochures, and other printed materials with ease. This instant gratification saves you valuable time and money, making online printing services a preferred choice for many.

When you find a provider of online printing services, you can order what you want online. Wherever you are, you can use your computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone to order business cards, posters, brochures, or other documents. 

You can complete the entire process online, so you won’t have to physically go down to a local printer to order printing services. If you believe that time is money, you’ll understand why online printing services are worth considering.

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Order from Anywhere

If you like the idea of ordering from anywhere, you’ll appreciate online printing services. You won’t have to go to a brick-and-mortar printing facility to get what you want. Whether at home, at work, or on the road, you can order printing as needed. You won’t face a scenario where you have to wait until you’re back in town to order something.

2. Cost Savings

Cost is another crucial factor to consider when choosing a printing service. While brick and mortar printing companies may have high overhead costs, online printing services can offer competitive prices due to their streamlined operations and automation. By leveraging technology and automation, online printers can reduce costs associated with manual labor and materials. These cost savings are then passed on to customers, allowing them to benefit from affordable printing solutions without compromising on quality. However, it is important to be aware of potential hidden fees and upselling tactics when comparing prices among different online printing services. Look for a transparent printer that offers upfront pricing and includes free shipping to avoid any unexpected costs.

Transparent Pricing

Transparent pricing is another advantage of online printing services. Unlike traditional printers, where pricing may vary depending on the sales representative or day-to-day factors, online printers often display their pricing information upfront. This transparency allows you to compare prices, make informed decisions, and avoid any hidden fees or surprises during the ordering process.

3. Lots of Services Under One Roof

When you visit the website of an online printer, you’ll find a lot of services. It won’t be a stripped-down version of what you’d get at the printer’s brick-and-mortar facility. You can get print products like booklets, bookmarks, books, manuals, newsletters, and posters. Also available are templates, bindery options, online design, and much more. You can look through the options, pick what you want, pay for your order, and select delivery options.

Access to High-End Printing Equipment

Online printing services have access to advanced printing equipment that is typically too expensive for local brick and mortar printers to afford. High-end digital presses and offset printing machines can produce high-quality, full-color prints with consistent and accurate colors. This access to state-of-the-art printing technology ensures that your printed materials will have vibrant colors and sharp details. It is also worth noting that online printing services can provide color charts to assist designers in selecting the correct CMYK values, as colors can appear differently on screens compared to the final printed result. By utilizing online printing services, you can benefit from professional-grade printing equipment without the need for a large volume of prints to justify the investment.

Professional Designs and Templates

Designing professional-looking printed materials can be a challenge, especially for those without design expertise. Online printing services solve this problem by offering a wide range of professionally designed templates. These templates can be easily customized to fit your brand and specific needs, saving you time and effort in creating designs from scratch. Whether you need a logo, business card, or postcard, online printing services provide access to well-designed templates that can help you create a cohesive and visually appealing brand identity. However, if you require a custom design, some online printing services also offer design services to ensure your printed materials stand out and reflect your unique style.

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User-Friendly Online Design Tools

One of the standout features of online printing services is their user-friendly online design tools. These tools allow you to select a template and modify it to your liking, making the design process simple and efficient. You can easily add and edit text, insert images or logos, and customize colors and fonts. Online design tools also provide the option to save your designs for later editing or sharing with colleagues. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that need to create consistent designs for multiple employees. By saving a master design, you can easily generate personalized business cards or other printed materials for each team member, ensuring a cohesive and professional look.

Wide Range of Products

Many online printing services provide a diverse selection of products, including business cards, brochures, flyers, posters, and more. They offer a range of standard sizes, finishes, and paper options to suit different needs. While their product options may not be as extensive as those offered by traditional printers, online services can still cater to the majority of printing requirements.

Flexibility and Customization Options

One of the key advantages of online printing services is the flexibility they provide in terms of design and customization. With online design tools and templates, you can easily create personalized designs for your printed materials. Whether you need business cards, postcards, or banners, online printers offer a wide range of design options and allow you to upload your own images and logos. This flexibility enables you to tailor your designs to align with your brand and specific requirements. Additionally, online printing services often offer additional customization options such as UV coating, spot gloss, and plastic business cards, allowing you to create unique and eye-catching printed materials.

Excellent Customer Care and Support

Customer care is a vital aspect of any printing service, and online printers understand the importance of providing excellent support to their clients. Most online printing services have dedicated customer service teams that can be contacted via phone, messaging, or email. These knowledgeable professionals are ready to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have. They can provide advice and guidance on choosing the right printing options, resolving technical issues, or ensuring your designs meet the printing requirements. A good online printing service values customer satisfaction and will go above and beyond to ensure a positive experience throughout the printing process.

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Quick Turnaround Time

Online printing services typically have faster turnaround times compared to traditional printers. The automated processes and streamlined workflows enable them to process orders quickly and efficiently. If you have urgent printing needs, online services can often accommodate tight deadlines and ensure prompt delivery.

4. Track Orders

You’ll also have the ability to track your orders right up until the finished products are delivered. It can be frustrating to place an order and wait, without updates, until you get what you ordered. But choosing online printing services means you can track your order anytime. So, you’ll be in the loop from the get-go, which will set your mind at ease while you wait for your order.

5. Simplify Marketing

Online printing services can also help simplify your business’ marketing strategy. You can get the marketing materials you need from a single third party, which will make it easier to maintain uniformity and consistency. You can empower your marketing team to create the necessary marketing materials to further your company’s business objectives.


As you can see, there are many advantages to using online printing services. You’ll have more options than going to a local printer. You’ll want to consider the ways online printing services can help your company. 

Look at the service options, costs, and delivery options. One service provider isn’t necessarily as good as another. So, do your research and due diligence.


In today’s digital age, the convenience and affordability of online printing services have made them a popular choice for businesses and individuals alike. However, it is important to weigh the pros and cons before deciding whether to use an online printing service or opt for a traditional printing company. In an effort to present the full picture, we will now briefly explore the disadvantages of online printing services to help you make a fully informed decision.

Disadvantages of Online Printing Services

1. Limited Quality Control

One of the main drawbacks of online printing services is the limited control over the printing process. Unlike traditional printers, where you can have face-to-face interactions and direct oversight, online services rely on automated systems for printing. This lack of direct supervision may result in potential issues, such as color variations, alignment errors, or quality inconsistencies.

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2. Design Limitations

Online printing services often have limitations when it comes to design options. While they offer a range of standard templates and customization features, they may not cater to more complex design requirements or unique printing techniques. If you have specific design needs or require intricate details, a traditional printer with experienced graphic designers may be a better choice.

3. Limited Paper Choices

Another limitation of online printing services is the limited range of paper choices. While they offer various paper stocks, they often focus on coated papers, which may not be suitable for all printing projects. If you prefer uncoated or specialty papers, such as textured stocks or eco-friendly options, traditional printers may provide a wider selection to fulfill your preferences.

4. Lack of Personalized Service

Online printing services primarily operate on a self-service model, which means you may not have the same level of personalized service compared to traditional printers. While customer support is available, it may not offer the same level of attention or guidance that you would receive from a local print shop. If you value one-on-one interactions and prefer hands-on assistance, a traditional printer may be a better fit for your needs.

5. Risk of Errors

When using online printing services, there is an inherent risk of errors in the printing process. Since the files are submitted electronically, it is crucial to ensure that your design files are properly prepared, with correct resolution, colors, and bleeds. Mistakes can occur if files are not thoroughly checked before submission, leading to disappointing print results. If you are not confident in your design abilities, working with a traditional printer who can review and optimize your files may provide peace of mind.

6. Shipping and Delivery Considerations

While online printing services offer the convenience of doorstep delivery, shipping costs and delivery times should be taken into account. Depending on your location and the urgency of your order, shipping fees may vary, and expedited shipping options may come at an additional cost. It is important to factor in these considerations when comparing the overall cost and timeline of your printing project.

Making the Right Choice

Choosing between online printing services and traditional printers ultimately depends on your specific needs and priorities. If cost-effectiveness, convenience, and a wide range of standard products are your main considerations, online printing services may be the ideal choice. However, if you require personalized service, intricate design options, or higher quality control, working with a traditional printer may better suit your requirements.

Before making a decision, consider the nature of your printing project, your budget, the level of customization needed, and the importance of quality control. Research different online printing services and traditional printers, read customer reviews, and request quotes to compare pricing and services. By thoroughly evaluating your options, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your printing needs and preferences.

Remember, whether you choose an online printing service or a traditional printer, clear communication, proper file preparation, and attention to detail are essential for achieving satisfactory printing results. Take the time to review your design files, seek professional assistance if needed, and communicate your requirements clearly to ensure a successful printing experience.

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The Future of Printing

Online printing services are revolutionizing the printing industry, offering businesses and individuals a cost-effective, convenient, and high-quality solution for their printing needs. While some may miss the personal touch of face-to-face interactions with local printers, the benefits of online printing services outweigh this loss. The ability to instantly access a wide range of printing options, the cost savings, flexibility in design, access to advanced printing equipment, professional templates, user-friendly online design tools, and excellent customer care make online printing services the future of printing. Embrace the convenience and advantages of online printing services to enhance your brand image and make a lasting impression with your printed materials.


In conclusion, online printing services provide numerous benefits for businesses and individuals seeking high-quality printed materials. With instant access, cost savings, flexibility in design, access to advanced printing equipment, professional templates, user-friendly online design tools, and excellent customer care, online printing services offer a convenient and efficient solution. Embrace the future of printing by utilizing online printing services to create professional and visually appealing printed materials that enhance your brand image and make a lasting impact on your target audience. Save time, money, and effort by harnessing the power of online printing services for all your printing needs.


Q & A Section

1. What are the primary advantages of using online printing services?

Online printing services offer several advantages, including instant access and convenience, cost savings, a wide range of services under one roof, access to high-end printing equipment, professional designs and templates, user-friendly online design tools, a wide range of products, flexibility, excellent customer care, and quick turnaround times.

2. How do online printing services provide convenience to users?

Online printing services offer instant access to printing services and products from anywhere using devices like computers, laptops, tablets, or smartphones. They eliminate the need for physical visits to printing facilities and allow users to complete the entire process online, saving time and effort.

3. What cost-related benefits do online printing services offer?

Online printing services often provide competitive pricing due to streamlined operations, automation, and reduced manual labor and material costs. They also offer transparent pricing, allowing users to compare prices and avoid hidden fees.

4. What services and features do online printing services typically offer?

Online printing services provide a wide array of services, including various print products like booklets, books, manuals, posters, and templates. They grant access to high-end printing equipment, professional designs and templates, user-friendly online design tools, a range of customization options, excellent customer care, and quick turnaround times.

5. How can online printing services simplify marketing efforts for businesses?

Online printing services can simplify marketing efforts by providing a one-stop solution for various marketing materials. They offer uniformity, consistency, personalized designs, a wide range of products, flexibility, and customization options, empowering businesses to create necessary marketing materials efficiently.

6. What limitations or disadvantages might users encounter with online printing services?

Some limitations of online printing services include limited quality control, design limitations, limited paper choices, a lack of personalized service, potential errors in the printing process, and shipping and delivery considerations. Users might also face challenges in intricate design requirements or require higher quality control.

7. How can users make an informed decision between online printing services and traditional printers?

Users can evaluate their specific needs, budget, customization requirements, and the importance of quality control when choosing between online printing services and traditional printers. Researching different service providers, reading reviews, requesting quotes, and considering factors like cost-effectiveness, convenience, and service quality can aid in decision-making.

8. What are some essential considerations for successful printing projects, regardless of the printing service chosen?

Clear communication, proper file preparation, attention to detail, and a thorough review of design files are crucial for successful printing projects. Users should seek professional assistance if needed, communicate requirements clearly, and pay attention to file quality to ensure satisfactory results.

9. How do online printing services contribute to the future of printing?

Online printing services revolutionize the printing industry by offering a cost-effective, convenient, and high-quality solution for printing needs. Despite missing face-to-face interactions, the benefits of instant access, cost savings, flexibility, and excellent customer care position online printing services as the future of printing.

10. What’s the significance of embracing online printing services for businesses and individuals?

Embracing online printing services provides a range of advantages, including enhanced brand image through professionally printed materials, cost savings, convenience, and efficient solutions. Businesses and individuals can save time, money, and effort by utilizing online printing services for their printing needs.

The post 5 Benefits of Using an Online Printing Service appeared first on DMNews.

The Importance of Sales Compliance: Ensuring Trust and Legal Protection Fri, 15 Dec 2023 17:55:13 +0000 Image Source: FreeImages   ‍In the world of sales, compliance with regulations and guidelines is of utmost importance.…

The post The Importance of Sales Compliance: Ensuring Trust and Legal Protection appeared first on DMNews.


Image Source: FreeImages


‍In the world of sales, compliance with regulations and guidelines is of utmost importance. It not only helps businesses avoid legal issues but also builds trust with customers. Sales teams interact with clients through various channels, using different tools and technologies to streamline the sales process. While these advancements offer many benefits, they also present regulatory challenges that companies must address.

Sales teams also rely heavily on tools that help them automate their sales processes. These include email marketing tools, CRM, and marketing automation software. These tools may be absolutely necessary for businesses that are trying to grow, but they too often come with privacy risks.

For example, a sales team may be collecting personal and sensitive information from customers. Common examples include email addresses, phone numbers, and names. Your company must collect and store this type of data securely. If that information ends up in the wrong hands, it could risk exposing the company to privacy violations and breaches.

Furthermore, as customers give consent, businesses must ensure that they will only use their information for the agreed purposes. If customers give consent to a sales team to use their information for marketing purposes, they must make sure that the information is used properly.

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Understanding Sales Compliance

Sales compliance is the process of ensuring that all of your organization’s sales communications adhere to the regulations established by the government.  These rules can stem from state laws, industry associations, or internal company policies.

Many of these requirements are in place to safeguard customers from being misled or tricked by corporations. Compliance ensures that businesses sell their products or services ethically, fairly, and in accordance with legal requirements.

In practice, sales compliance entails ensuring that communications are in accordance with the applicable legislation at all touchpoints when you connect directly with a consumer.

Organizations are responsible for ensuring that messages by their sales personnel are accurate, true, and comply with all relevant requirements. This is true whether the communication is by email, social media, phone, or text messages. It is crucial for companies to understand and comply with the specific regulations that apply to their industry, region, and type of product or service.

Why is sales compliance important?

When it comes to compliance monitoring, sales communications are an extension of marketing communications. However, the main difference is that in sales communications, a sales agent often speaks directly to one or a few people rather than a wider audience.

These messages are not immune to regulatory examination.

Likewise, they are subject to the same laws and regulations as any other marketing materials. Failure to satisfy these regulatory duties may result in regulatory scrutiny and enforcement proceedings being brought against your organization.

Sales compliance is important for a sales organization from a liability standpoint. If the business’s sales practices are inconsistent, the business needs to be able to show that its policies, practices, and procedures are consistent. Otherwise, the business can face liability lawsuits for violations of certain sales practices.

Ensure that all employees, from C-suite executives to entry-level salespeople, follow relevant legal requirements. As a result, businesses can ensure that they fully comply with the regulations and policies.

Sales compliance is especially critical for sales organizations that operate in highly-regulated industries, such as finance or healthcare organizations. The consequences of non-compliance are steep, including fines, remediation costs, and loss of customers.

How can you ensure compliance?

Sales compliance is the responsibility of business leaders. They must ensure that the organization abides by important regulations that govern sales practices.

By ensuring that sales practices adhere to these regulations, businesses can reduce the risk of facing regulatory scrutiny, fines, and customer loss.

The best way to avoid legal liabilities and sales compliance issues is to employ a proven, fully-compliant sales training program. This should include educational modules to help sales professionals obtain an understanding of the laws that apply to their sales activities as well as individually crafted training plans.

Another thing to keep in mind is that sales teams often use multiple channels to communicate with customers. These channels must be monitored and tracked to ensure that they do not inadvertently violate any sales compliance regulations.

These are some of the most common channels. Many sales teams use them frequently. As a result, make sure they comply with sales compliance regulations!

  • Sales and Support Center Calls: What agents or sales personnel say to customers over the phone must comply with rules. They should also follow scripts and handle complaints in accordance with business policies.
  • Emails and Text Messages: When it comes to compliance, one-on-one email interactions or text messaging between salespeople and customers might be a blind spot. These emails often contain sensitive information. Retain them for the prescribed retention period. This is why it’s essential to have a good data archiving strategy that clearly outlines how long sensitive data should be kept.
  • Social Media and Website: Most web or social media interactions can be classified as requiring marketing compliance. Social accounts or web pages may also be classified as sales compliance. After all, they connect directly with customers. Monitor them carefully for compliance violations.

Sales compliance is governed by a legal framework that varies depending on the industry, region, and product or service being sold. Several key laws and regulations shape the landscape of sales compliance:

1. Consumer Protection Laws

Consumer protection laws aim to ensure fair and transparent treatment of consumers. These laws enforce important principles such as truth in advertising, product safety, fair pricing, and transparent guarantees. By complying with consumer protection laws, businesses maintain trust, prevent fraudulent practices, and protect their customers.

2. Contract Law

Contract law sets the guidelines for agreements in sales transactions. It outlines essential details such as the nature of the item being sold, warranties or guarantees, payment terms, and remedies for breach of contract. Compliance with contract law ensures that sales agreements are legally binding and protects both parties involved.

3. Product Liability Laws

Product liability laws hold entities in the product distribution chain accountable for injuries or damages caused by faulty or unsafe products. These laws ensure that products meet safety standards and quality criteria, protecting consumers from harm. Businesses must comply with product liability laws to ensure the safety and well-being of their customers.

4. Privacy and Data Protection Laws

Privacy and data protection laws regulate the collection, storage, use, and transfer of personal information in sales transactions. These laws protect individuals’ rights to privacy and require companies to handle personal information responsibly. Compliance with privacy and data protection laws involves obtaining informed consent, safeguarding personal data, and implementing appropriate security measures.

5. Intellectual Property Laws

Intellectual property laws protect creative and intellectual works, granting creators or owners exclusive rights to their innovations or creations. Compliance with intellectual property laws ensures that businesses respect and protect the intellectual property rights of others.

6. Sales Tax and VAT Laws

Sales tax and value-added tax (VAT) laws require businesses to comply with tax regulations when selling products or services. This includes collecting and remitting sales tax or VAT based on the applicable tax rates and regulations.

7. International Trade Laws

International trade laws govern business transactions, import and export regulations, tariffs, quotas, and dispute settlement between countries. Compliance with international trade laws ensures that businesses engage in legal and ethical trade practices across borders.

8. Recording and Reporting Requirements

Businesses must maintain accurate records and reports of their sales activities to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This includes documenting transactions, financial details, customer information, and other relevant data related to sales.

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The Benefits of Sales Compliance

Compliance with sales regulations offers several benefits for businesses:

Compliance with sales regulations safeguards businesses from legal consequences. By adhering to laws and regulations, companies protect themselves from costly lawsuits and ensure that their operational practices are within the boundaries of the law.

2. Reputation Management

Compliance with sales regulations builds and maintains a strong brand reputation. When customers see that a company operates ethically and legally, they are more likely to trust the brand, make repeat purchases, and recommend products or services to others.

3. Competitive Advantage

Companies that prioritize compliance gain a competitive edge. By demonstrating trustworthiness and reliability, they attract customers who prefer to do business with ethical organizations. This can lead to increased market share and long-term success.

4. Risk Management

Compliance with sales regulations helps businesses mitigate internal risks. By ensuring that sales teams understand and comply with compliance guidelines, companies reduce the likelihood of internal errors, fraud, and inappropriate behavior. Proactive risk management helps prevent potential damage to the company’s reputation and financial well-being.

5. Cost Savings

Investing in sales compliance and ensuring adherence to regulations may require initial investments in training and systems. However, these investments prove beneficial in the long run. Compliance helps businesses avoid costly legal violations, fines, and the expenses associated with restoring a damaged reputation.

6. Increased Work Ethic

When sales teams operate in an environment where compliance is a priority, employees feel more secure and satisfied with their work. They appreciate working for a company that values and practices ethical conduct, which can lead to higher job satisfaction, engagement, and commitment.

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Key Elements of Sales Compliance

To effectively manage sales compliance, businesses should focus on key elements that promote adherence to regulations and guidelines:

1. Clear Sales Policies and Procedures

Clear and comprehensive sales policies and procedures provide guidance for sales teams. These guidelines define acceptable conduct, pricing strategies, customer interactions, and ethical practices. By following these policies, sales teams ensure transparency and consistency in their sales activities.

2. Training for Sales Teams

Properly training sales teams is essential for establishing a foundation of effective sales compliance. Equipping sales teams with knowledge and skills related to legal and ethical dimensions of sales, industry-specific regulations, and company-specific compliance requirements enables them to make compliant decisions confidently.

3. Monitoring and Reporting Systems

Implementing monitoring and reporting systems helps businesses identify and address potential compliance issues promptly. These systems track sales activities, customer interactions, and financial transactions, ensuring adherence to regulations. Proactive monitoring and reporting mitigate compliance risks and maintain the integrity of sales activities.

4. Integration of Technology

Technology plays a crucial role in improving the effectiveness of compliance measures. Compliance management software simplifies documentation processes, streamlines compliance monitoring, and generates informative reports for analysis. Integration of technology enhances operational efficiency, minimizes manual errors, and ensures a systematic approach to compliance management.

5. Case Studies on Successful Sales Compliance

Studying real-life case studies of companies that have implemented effective sales compliance strategies provides valuable insights. These case studies offer specific approaches, methods, and the importance of regulatory compliance in day-to-day business operations. Analyzing successful case studies can inspire and guide the development of effective sales compliance strategies.

Tools for Compliance with Sales Regulations

To manage compliance responsibilities efficiently and effectively, businesses can utilize compliance management tools. These tools assist in navigating the constantly changing regulatory landscape. Here are some recommended compliance management software solutions:

1. PowerDMS

PowerDMS is an internet-accessible compliance management system suitable for businesses of all sizes. It provides a centralized platform for managing policy documents, training materials, and compliance obligations. PowerDMS enables efficient policy distribution, acknowledgment, and compliance tracking.

2. HSI Donesafe

HSI Donesafe offers compliance management software tailored for modern businesses. It helps teams manage and comply with risks, corporate governance, regulatory compliance, and workplace responsibility. Their system includes features such as risk assessments, incident reporting, and threat detection.

3. Libryo

Libryo’s compliance management software is designed specifically for the legal sector. It provides a live view of compliance obligations, including updates on relevant legal requirements. Libryo covers multiple jurisdictions worldwide and offers automated compliance reports.

4. Predict 360

Predict 360 is a comprehensive tool for managing complex risks and compliance obligations across various areas of law and industries. It incorporates compliance management, risk management, audit management, and regulatory change management. Predict 360 streamlines compliance processes and ensures regulatory compliance.

By incorporating these tools into their compliance management strategies, businesses can navigate the complex landscape of sales regulations more effectively.


It may appear like ensuring sales compliance is a daunting task, but it does not have to be.

Technology can automate the monitoring and compliance of your company’s consumer sales communications. You will want to automatically find, track, and remediate potential compliance concerns across all of these sources. Do this through the use of compliance tools and the implementation of proper compliance policies.

Sales compliance is a critical aspect of conducting business ethically and legally. By adhering to sales regulations, companies protect themselves from legal consequences, build trust with customers, gain a competitive advantage, and mitigate risks. Clear policies and procedures, training for sales teams, monitoring systems, technology integration, and case studies aid in ensuring compliance. Utilizing compliance management software further enhances compliance management efforts. By prioritizing sales compliance, businesses can foster trust, protect their brand reputation, and achieve sustainable growth.

Q&A Section:

Q1: What exactly is sales compliance, and why is it crucial for businesses?

Sales compliance refers to the adherence to rules and regulations established by authorities, industry associations, or internal company policies in sales communications and practices. It’s crucial for businesses to comply with these regulations to ensure ethical, fair, and legal sales operations. Compliance safeguards customers from misleading or fraudulent practices and protects businesses from legal consequences.

Q2: What are the key areas where sales compliance is particularly essential?

Sales compliance is critical in various areas including:

  • Consumer Protection Laws: Ensuring fairness and transparency in sales.
  • Contract Law: Ensuring the legality of sales agreements.
  • Privacy and Data Protection Laws: Protecting customer data and ensuring responsible handling.
  • Product Liability Laws: Ensuring products meet safety standards and quality criteria.
  • Sales Tax and VAT Laws: Complying with tax regulations in sales transactions.

Q3: How can businesses ensure sales compliance, especially when utilizing multiple sales channels?

Businesses can ensure sales compliance through:

  • Comprehensive Policies: Establish clear sales policies and procedures.
  • Training Programs: Train sales teams on legal and ethical dimensions of sales.
  • Monitoring Systems: Implement systems to track and address compliance issues.
  • Integration of Technology: Use compliance management software for efficient compliance monitoring.
  • Studying Successful Cases: Learn from successful case studies on sales compliance.

Q4: What are some tools available to assist businesses in managing sales compliance?

Several compliance management tools can aid in managing sales compliance:

  • PowerDMS: Centralized compliance management for policy distribution and tracking.
  • HSI Donesafe: Software for managing risks, corporate governance, and compliance.
  • Libryo: Compliance management software offering real-time updates on legal requirements.
  • Predict 360: Comprehensive tool for managing complex risks and regulatory obligations.

Q5: What are the benefits of prioritizing sales compliance for businesses?

Prioritizing sales compliance offers various benefits such as:

  • Legal Protection: Avoiding legal consequences and lawsuits.
  • Reputation Management: Building trust with customers and maintaining a strong brand reputation.
  • Competitive Advantage: Attracting customers who prefer to engage with ethical organizations.
  • Risk Mitigation: Reducing internal risks related to non-compliance.
  • Cost Savings: Avoiding expenses associated with legal violations.

Q6: How can technology aid in ensuring sales compliance for businesses?

Technology plays a significant role by automating compliance monitoring, ensuring policies are adhered to across multiple channels, and streamlining compliance management. Compliance management software simplifies documentation, aids in tracking compliance issues, and provides informative reports for analysis, enhancing operational efficiency.

Q7: Why is sales compliance especially important for businesses operating in highly-regulated industries?

In industries like finance or healthcare, stringent regulations exist to protect customers and maintain industry standards. Non-compliance in such industries can lead to severe consequences including hefty fines, remediation costs, and the loss of customers’ trust, which is why adherence to sales compliance is paramount.

Q8: How does sales compliance contribute to a company’s work ethic and employee satisfaction?

Sales compliance establishes a culture of ethical and legal conduct within a company. This ethical environment fosters employee satisfaction, as staff members appreciate working for a company that values integrity. It contributes to a positive work ethic, promoting a sense of pride and commitment among employees.

Q9: What are some common pitfalls businesses face when it comes to sales compliance?

Common pitfalls in sales compliance include:

  • Inadequate Training: Lack of training on compliance regulations among sales teams.
  • Insufficient Monitoring: Failure to track sales activities across multiple channels effectively.
  • Inconsistent Policies: Unclear or inconsistent sales policies and procedures.
  • Data Security Concerns: Mishandling or insufficiently securing sensitive customer data.
  • Failure to Adapt: Inability to keep up with evolving regulatory requirements.

The post The Importance of Sales Compliance: Ensuring Trust and Legal Protection appeared first on DMNews.

The Importance of Security Awareness Training & 12 Hot Topics Thu, 07 Dec 2023 19:50:46 +0000 It’s critical that you quickly identify essential security awareness training topics and how to quickly educate your workforce.…

The post The Importance of Security Awareness Training & 12 Hot Topics appeared first on DMNews.

It’s critical that you quickly identify essential security awareness training topics and how to quickly educate your workforce.

Managing staff cyber risk is critical to avoiding user-related data breaches and demonstrating regulatory compliance. A strong HRM program includes continual security awareness training that teaches end-users how to recognize and resist modern risks. In addition, it teaches best practices for staying secure.

However, starting these training classes raises certain challenges. One of these is what security awareness training subjects to include. Here are the top employee cyber security awareness training topics.

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1. Phishing Awareness

This is still one of the most efficient cybercrime methods. Phishing assaults doubled in 2020 and continues to rise. Furthermore, remote work makes it tougher for organizations to protect their users.

However, why is phishing still a problem in 2023?

One key reason is the sophistication of these attacks. For example, a business email compromise attack combines prior research on a specific individual like a company’s senior executive. With this, they can develop an assault that looks very legitimate.

With more sophisticated assaults and the prevalent notion that phishing is easy to spot, it’s no surprise that many firms will face a phishing-related breach. Employees, therefore, require regular training on how to recognize contemporary phishing attacks and how to report them as soon as they suspect they’ve been targeted.

2. Awareness of Removeable Media Vulnerability

Removable media is a portable storage device that allows users to copy data from one device to another. Malware-infected USB drives might be left for users to discover when they plug them in.

Researchers dumped approximately 300 USB sticks on the UIUC campus. 98 percent were picked up! Also, 45 percent of these drives were not only picked up but the files found were opened.

Your staff must be aware of the risks of removable media and how to use these gadgets safely and responsibly. There are many reasons why a corporation may want to employ removable media. However, like any technology, there are risks.

Therefore, your staff must protect the data on these devices as well as the devices themselves. All data, personal or business, has value.

3. Security and Authentication

Password security is a fairly easy yet frequently forgotten feature of organizational security.

Malicious actors often guess common passwords to get access to your accounts. Once stolen, this data can be made public or sold on the dark web.

Using various passwords makes it difficult for hackers to access several accounts. Other measures, such as two-factor authentication, add extra layers of protection for the account.

4. Physical Safety Awareness

If you keep your passwords on sticky notes on your desk, it’s time to toss them.

Though many attacks are likely to be digital, protecting sensitive physical documents is critical to your company’s security system. Furthermore, unattended papers, computers, and passwords pose a security concern.

5. Secure Mobile Devices

The evolving IT ecosystem has enabled more flexible working settings. However, it also allows more sophisticated security attacks.

In 2024, user-device responsibility will continue to be an increasingly important part of training. This is especially true for traveling or remote professionals. Malicious mobile apps have raised the likelihood of mobile phones harboring malware, posing a security issue.

Online courses for mobile device workers can help staff avoid threats without costly security measures. If a mobile device is lost or stolen, sensitive data should be encrypted, password-protected, or biometrically authenticated.

Employees who operate on their own devices must be trained in personal device safety. In addition, workers should have to sign a mobile security policy.

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6. Remote Work Security Awareness

Remote working can benefit both employers and people. It can increase productivity and improve work-life balance.

However, this trend can lead to more security breaches. Therefore, personal gadgets for work should have default encryption and antivirus software.

7. Free WiFi Security Awareness

Some employees who work remotely, or work on the go may need extra training on how to use public Wi-Fi properly.

Fake public Wi-Fi networks, sometimes lurking in coffee shops, expose users to non-secure public servers. Therefore, educate your users on safe public Wi-Fi usage. In addition, let them know about typical scam warning flags. This will raise company knowledge and reduce risk.

8. Cloud Security

Cloud computing has changed the way businesses store and access data. Despite the fact that you store significant volumes of private data offsite, hacking is still a possibility.

Many large corporations are focusing on data security. However, picking the proper cloud service provider may make data storage much safer and more cost-effective.

9. Social Media Awareness

We all post pictures of our events, holidays, and jobs on social media. However, oversharing might expose important information that can allow a hostile actor to pose as a trusted source through social engineering.

Therefore, educating employees on how to maintain their social media privacy settings. In addition, teach them how to avoid the transmission of company information. This will lessen the chance of hackers gaining leverage.

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10. Internet and Email

Simple or repetitive emails for several accounts may have exposed some employees to data breaches.

One survey indicated that 59% of users reuse passwords across accounts. If one account is open, a hacker can use the password to access all of the user’s accounts. This can include work and social media accounts.

Many websites provide free software contaminated with viruses. Downloading software from reliable sources is the safest method to secure your computer.

11. Awareness of Social Engineering

Social engineering is a method to earn employee trust by delivering lucrative incentives or impersonating others. To address these dangers, teach employees basic social engineering strategies.

Private information can be accidentally given to bad actors by appearing as a desirable client or by offering incentives. Increasing employee knowledge of impersonation threats is crucial to lowering social engineering risk.

12. Home Security

Malicious actors do not go away when you leave the office. Malware downloaded on personal devices can harm the company’s network if, for example, log-in credentials are compromised.

A recent analysis found that phishing campaigns targeting Dropbox had a 13.6 percent click-through rate. You can reduce this risk by educating employees and distributing encrypted material. Authenticating downloads also helps.


Building a Cyber-Savvy Workforce

‍Photo by geralt on Pixabay

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent. It is no longer enough for organizations to solely rely on advanced technological solutions to protect their sensitive data. They must also invest in cultivating a cyber-savvy workforce that can identify and mitigate potential risks. This is where security awareness training plays a crucial role. By equipping employees with the knowledge and skills to recognize and respond to cyber threats, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches and other security incidents.

Understanding Security Awareness Training

Security awareness training is a proactive strategy employed by IT and security professionals to educate employees on cybersecurity best practices. Its primary goal is to raise awareness about the potential risks associated with using technology and to foster a culture of vigilance and responsibility among employees. By providing regular training sessions, organizations can empower their workforce to become the first line of defense against cyber threats.

The Role of Employees in Cybersecurity

Research has shown that human error contributes to more than 90% of security breaches. Employees, whether intentionally or unintentionally, can become unwitting accomplices to cybercriminals. This underscores the critical need for comprehensive security awareness training programs. When employees are well-versed in cybersecurity principles, they can actively contribute to safeguarding the organization’s sensitive information and assets.

The Benefits of Security Awareness Training

Implementing an effective security awareness training program offers numerous benefits to organizations, including:

  1. Risk Reduction: By educating employees about potential cyber threats and how to avoid them, organizations can significantly minimize the risk of data breaches and other security incidents.
  2. Protection of Sensitive Information: When employees are trained to handle sensitive information securely, the likelihood of accidental data leaks or unauthorized disclosures decreases significantly.
  3. Compliance with Regulations: Many industries have stringent data protection regulations in place. Security awareness training ensures that employees understand and adhere to these requirements, reducing the organization’s exposure to legal and regulatory risks.
  4. Improved Incident Response: In the event of a security incident, employees who have undergone security awareness training are better equipped to recognize and report suspicious activities promptly, enabling faster incident response and mitigation.

Best Practices for Implementing Security Awareness Training Programs

Developing an effective security awareness training program requires careful planning and consideration of best practices. Here are some key principles to guide organizations in building a successful program:

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1. Tailor the Program to Your Organization

Every organization has unique security needs and risks. It is essential to tailor the training program to address these specific requirements. Consider the industry, size, and technological environment of your organization when designing the curriculum and selecting training materials.

2. Promote a Positive Tone

The success of a security awareness training program hinges on how it is perceived by employees. Frame the program with a positive tone, emphasizing that it is designed to protect the organization and its employees. Avoid creating an adversarial atmosphere that may breed resentment or resistance.

3. Engage Employees with Interactive Training

Traditional training methods that involve lengthy presentations or lectures are often ineffective. Instead, opt for interactive training formats that actively engage employees, such as videos, quizzes, and gamified learning platforms. This approach promotes better retention of information and encourages active participation.

4. Reinforce Desired Behaviors

Security awareness training should not be a one-time event. Regularly reinforce desired behaviors through ongoing training sessions and reminders. This repetition helps employees internalize cybersecurity best practices and develop long-term habits.

5. Provide Realistic Simulations

Simulated phishing attacks and other realistic scenarios can be powerful tools for reinforcing security awareness. Conducting periodic phishing tests can help employees recognize and respond appropriately to suspicious emails, reducing the risk of falling victim to phishing scams.

6. Measure and Improve

Regularly assess the effectiveness of your security awareness training program by measuring employee knowledge and behavior changes. Use metrics such as completion rates, phishing test results, and incident reporting to identify areas for improvement and tailor future training sessions accordingly.

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7. Foster a Culture of Security

Security awareness should not be limited to training sessions alone. Promote a culture of security throughout the organization by encouraging open communication, providing ongoing support, and recognizing and rewarding employees who demonstrate exemplary cybersecurity practices.

Mimecast’s Approach to Security Awareness Training

Mimecast offers a comprehensive security awareness training program designed to educate employees on cybersecurity best practices. Their program combines expert content, simple administration, and a focus on engaging employees to create a cyber-savvy workforce.

Expert Content

Mimecast’s training content is developed by professionals with extensive experience in cybersecurity, including former law enforcement, military, and CISOs. The content is highly engaging, incorporating elements from the entertainment industry to make learning enjoyable and memorable.

Simple Administration

Mimecast’s cloud-based platform, Mime|OS, makes it easy to manage policies, users, and training modules within a single console. Administrators can customize training materials, schedule phishing tests, and track employee progress effortlessly.

Components of Mimecast’s Training Program

Mimecast’s security awareness training program includes a variety of components to ensure comprehensive coverage:

  1. Videos: Mimecast offers highly entertaining and informative video-based training modules. Each video focuses on a specific security threat and provides practical guidance on how employees can respond effectively.
  2. Real-World Testing: By conducting pre and post-training assessments, Mimecast measures employee knowledge and behavior changes. Regular phishing tests help evaluate employees’ ability to identify and respond to simulated attacks.
  3. Risk Scoring: Mimecast assigns risk scores to employees based on their performance in training and their position within the organization. This allows targeted training resources to be allocated to individuals who require additional support.
  4. Customer Mediation: Mimecast provides personalized training resources to employees based on their individual profiles, ensuring that the training is tailored to their specific needs and areas of improvement.

Critical Security Awareness Training Topics

Mimecast’s training program covers a wide range of essential cybersecurity topics. Some of the key areas addressed include:

  1. Phishing Awareness: Training employees to identify and respond to phishing emails, which are one of the most common methods used by cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to systems.
  2. Password Security: Educating employees on the importance of using strong and unique passwords, as well as implementing additional authentication measures like two-factor authentication.
  3. Privacy Issues: Empowering employees to protect sensitive data, both of the organization and its customers, from unauthorized access or disclosure.
  4. Compliance: Ensuring employees understand and comply with relevant data protection regulations such as HIPAA, PCI, and GDPR.
  5. Insider Threats: Training employees to recognize and report potential insider threats, which can come from within the organization itself.
  6. CEO/Wire Fraud: Educating employees about the risks of impersonation attacks targeting high-level executives and providing guidance on how to verify requests for sensitive information or financial transactions.
  7. Data Protection: Highlighting the importance of safeguarding data in transit and teaching employees how to protect it effectively.
  8. Office Hygiene: Promoting good physical security practices, such as proper document disposal and securing workstations, to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

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Investing in security awareness training is a crucial step towards building a cyber-savvy workforce and mitigating the risks associated with cyber threats. By engaging employees, reinforcing desired behaviors, and providing ongoing support, organizations can create a culture of security and empower their workforce to become effective guardians of sensitive information. Mimecast’s comprehensive training program offers expert content, simple administration, and a focus on engaging employees, making it a valuable tool in the fight against cybercrime. Embrace security awareness training and ensure the protection of your organization’s data and reputation in an increasingly interconnected world.


Q&A Section:

1. Why is security awareness training important for organizations? Security awareness training plays a critical role in educating employees about potential cyber threats and best practices to mitigate these risks. It empowers the workforce to recognize, respond to, and prevent security incidents, thereby reducing the organization’s vulnerability to data breaches and other cyber attacks.

2. How does security awareness training benefit organizations? Implementing effective security awareness training offers several benefits, including a significant reduction in the risk of data breaches, protection of sensitive information, compliance with regulations, improved incident response, and fostering a culture of security within the organization.

3. What are the key topics covered in security awareness training programs? Security awareness training covers a range of essential topics, such as phishing awareness, password security, data protection, insider threats, compliance with regulations, CEO/wire fraud, privacy issues, office hygiene, and more. These topics aim to equip employees with the knowledge and skills to address various cybersecurity challenges.

4. How can organizations ensure the effectiveness of their security awareness training programs? To ensure the effectiveness of security awareness training, organizations should tailor the program to their specific needs, promote a positive tone, engage employees with interactive training, reinforce desired behaviors through ongoing sessions, provide realistic simulations, measure progress, and foster a culture of security throughout the organization.

5. What is Mimecast’s approach to security awareness training, and what does their program entail? Mimecast offers a comprehensive security awareness training program designed to educate employees on cybersecurity best practices. Their program includes expert content developed by cybersecurity professionals, simple administration through a cloud-based platform, video-based training modules, real-world testing through phishing simulations, risk scoring, customer mediation, and coverage of critical topics like phishing awareness, password security, compliance, and more.

6. How does security awareness training contribute to building a cyber-savvy workforce? Security awareness training empowers employees to become the first line of defense against cyber threats. By educating them about potential risks, providing practical guidance, and fostering a culture of vigilance, organizations can cultivate a workforce that actively contributes to safeguarding sensitive information and assets from cyber attacks.

7. What role do employees play in cybersecurity, and why is their involvement crucial? Employees play a crucial role in cybersecurity as human error contributes to a significant portion of security breaches. Their involvement is vital because they can either unintentionally or intentionally become vulnerable points for cybercriminals. Through proper training, employees can actively contribute to mitigating risks and protecting the organization’s data.

The post The Importance of Security Awareness Training & 12 Hot Topics appeared first on DMNews.

The Power of Customer Service Values: Creating a Culture of Excellence Mon, 04 Dec 2023 12:10:30 +0000 Setting your team’s customer service values can help create a workplace mindset that draws everyone together with a…

The post The Power of Customer Service Values: Creating a Culture of Excellence appeared first on DMNews.


Setting your team’s customer service values can help create a workplace mindset that draws everyone together with a common purpose.

Everyone stresses the value of a customer service culture. Additionally, leaders spend a lot of time planning out their goals. Similarly, values communicate a culture’s goals. How do you set your organization apart?

Customer Service

Gain the Power Found in Defining Your Culture

Whether you develop it or not, your business culture will always exist. In other words, your culture will be based on unspoken ideals and values.

Intentionally setting your team’s customer service values helps create a workplace mindset that draws everyone together with a common purpose. In addition, it attracts staff and customers.

Remember that customer service fundamental principles must be shared by the entire organization. The best method to promote a value is to lead by example.

Furthermore, correct those who violate your values, whether they are managers, coworkers, or even customers. The consumer is always right, but that doesn’t excuse rudeness. Setting clear limits demonstrates your principles. Inspire a culture that aligns with your values.

As a leader, you must express your values through actions, public remarks, and inter-office communication. If you want your values to matter to your firm, you must be consistent. With a strong corporate culture, you’ll attract people who share your beliefs. Opponents tend to keep their distance.

This list of customer service values can help you advise and support your frontline employees.

1. The Value of Accountability

Your customers expect you to keep your promises, and your customer service team is your company’s “face.” They help customers with issues. Accountability means your agent owns the problem and works to resolve it.

To achieve this value, you must empower your agents to make quick judgments. For example, “I’m very sorry that happened. Let me address that issue for you,” is an apology. However, when confronted with “I’ll have to ask my manager,” the customer can become frustrated.

2. The Value of Optimism

Wouldn’t you rather be around someone who is upbeat? Negativity affects not only employees but also customers. In addition, it’s not only annoying, but it reflects poorly on your brand.

Problems should be met with a positive attitude. Positive remarks make even difficult problems seem manageable. Never say that nothing can be done about a problem. Open your thoughts to a positive outlook that seeks solutions rather than problems.

3. The Value of Sincerity

Good customer service is genuine. Customers don’t want to deal with robots reading scripts. They’ve probably already spoken to your chatbot. They want actual people who respond to them personally.

Encourage authenticity by soliciting staff input. Encourage expression and interest in who they are as a person. This will be reflected when the customer calls.

The first basic rule of good customer service is to respect your own employees. When respect pervades your company, you attract respect. There must be respect for self and job. In return, employees respect the customer.

Respect for the customer service department is essential. Try not to see it as merely a cost center. Additionally, it’s important to see it as a center for solutions.  Likewise, it’s also a center for answers and opportunities. When clients call, they should immediately feel the difference in enthusiasm and attitude.

A company that encompasses this value of sincerity is the care package company, Spoonful of Comfort. Instead of focusing on their product itself, soup care packages, the company is rather focused on taking a genuine approach to all interactions with both customers and clients.

Rather than business-minded marketing posts, their blog is filled with posts about how to support and care for your friends and family. Like this article about supporting a friend through a difficult time. Learn to value sincerity in your business.

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5. The Value of Trust

Communication is built on trust. It implies being honest, even if you’ve erred.

Everyone is human. Errors will happen. The trick is to admit it and try to correct it. Making honest blunders and working to repair them builds consumer loyalty.

Trust your agents and let them solve problems on their own. If they have to ask permission for everything, it implies you don’t trust them to accomplish it on their own. You hired them for their talent and ability. Therefore, train them and then let them go.

6. The Value of Communication

To paraphrase a famous writer: The single biggest obstacle in communication is the illusion of communication.

It’s easy to assume you comprehend what someone else says. So it is with customers and friends. If you’re unsure, don’t be afraid to ask and make certain. In addition, wait for your turn to speak, and while your wait, really listen.

7. The Value of Loyalty

To earn employee and consumer loyalty, you must be loyal. You’ll get the most from your team when they know you regard them as people. No one wants to be seen not merely task-performers or automatons.

Lead by Example and See Better Results

All the above values can help earn clients’ loyalty. People pick brands that represent their values. Strong values are good for business and generate good buzz.

In conclusion of this section, it is the leader’s job to be a good example of the values upheld by the company. Intentionally doing so will benefit your team’s performance.

Image Source: FreeImages


‍In today’s competitive business landscape, customer service has become a key differentiator for companies seeking to stand out in the market. Successful businesses like Amazon have shown that prioritizing customer service values can have a wide-reaching impact on the growth and success of a company. By building a customer-centric culture and fostering excellent core values for customer service, businesses can excel in providing exceptional experiences to their customers.


A. The Importance of Support Knowledge and Empowerment

One of the foundational aspects of excellent customer service is the knowledge and expertise of support agents. Employee empowerment plays a crucial role in ensuring that support agents can demonstrate service knowledge without passing the buck. To create a culture of autonomy, companies should motivate employees to understand customer intent through market research and awareness of industry trends.

Staying informed is key to fostering support knowledge. Apart from online courses, employees should have access to resources such as newsletters and webinars that provide insights into customer service values and industry best practices. Subscribing to thought leaders’ newsletters, like customer service and CX guru Shep Hyken’s, can help employees contextualize customer service values with different topics. Additionally, companies can provide resources like academies, ebooks, and case studies to enhance employees’ understanding of customer expectations and behavior.

Pro tip: Encourage employees to expand their horizons and gain new perspectives by subscribing to relevant newsletters and joining collaborative communities that share valuable insights.

B. The Power of Empathy in Customer Service

Empathy is a fundamental customer service value that can create a strong bond between customers and brands. By putting themselves in the customers’ shoes and understanding their perspectives, support agents can build trust and comfort with customers. Simple acts of empathy, like actively listening to customers and acknowledging their frustrations, can go a long way in creating a positive customer service experience.

Zappos, a leading retail company, is known for encouraging its support agents to go off-script and embrace customers’ narratives. This approach allows support agents to connect with customers on a deeper level and provide personalized experiences. For instance, a Zappos support rep once engaged in a 10+ hour call with a customer, demonstrating the power of empathy in building strong customer relationships.

Examples of empathy statements that reflect company values towards customer service:

  • “Your frustration is truly understandable.”
  • “I’m going to try my best to make you forget this poor experience.”
  • “I would have the same concerns if I were in your position.”

Customer Service 2

C. The Role of Transparency in Customer Service

Transparency is a crucial customer service value that builds trust and effective communication with customers. It involves being candid about mistakes, owning up to them, and proactively addressing them before they escalate. By communicating openly and honestly with customers, businesses can ensure that their customers are well-informed and understand any issues that may arise.

Transparency with customers includes proactively announcing bug fixes, product downtimes, or any other potential disruptions. Companies should find creative ways to communicate with customers during service interruptions, such as using social media platforms to provide updates and reassurances. Adobe, for example, used a tweet with a playful image to inform customers about an AWS outage and express gratitude for their patience.

Transparency in the workplace is also essential. By fostering transparency within the company, support reps can share first-hand knowledge about customer issues, which can provide valuable insights for product improvements and business strategies. Platforms like Workplace by Facebook can facilitate cross-functional communication, enabling teams to share learnings and feedback.

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D. The Customer-First Approach

A customer-first approach is a core customer service value that prioritizes the concerns and needs of customers over company interests. Every support decision should be guided by the goal of providing exceptional customer experiences that align with both business objectives and customer expectations. By adopting a customer-centric mindset, companies can create loyal patrons and differentiate themselves from the competition.

Jeff Bezos, the CEO and founder of Amazon, is known for prioritizing customers by encouraging an “empty chair” in meetings, symbolizing the presence of the customer in decision-making processes. This customer-first approach ensures that crucial business or product-related decisions are made with the customers’ best interests in mind.

To truly embody customer service values, employees should be encouraged to go beyond their defined roles and think creatively to ensure customer satisfaction. By empowering employees to take ownership and find innovative solutions, companies can demonstrate their commitment to providing exceptional customer service.

Example: Jonathan Samuel, a Senior Product Consultant at Freshworks, went above and beyond his role to help a customer find a unique feature/solution, showcasing the company’s commitment to being a true customer champion.

E. Establishing Cross-Collaboration for Seamless Customer Service

Effective customer service requires collaboration among all customer-facing functions within a company. By working together and aligning with major decisions, teams can ensure that customers receive consistent and outstanding service. However, inefficient communication and lack of collaboration can lead to customer frustration and dissatisfaction.

To foster cross-collaboration, companies should invest in technology that enables seamless communication and collaboration among different teams. Helpdesk solutions with built-in team collaboration features, like Freshdesk, allow multiple functions to work on the same ticket without losing important customer context. This streamlines processes and prevents customers from being passed between departments, ensuring a smoother customer service experience.

F. Empowering Employees to Evolve

Personal development and growth opportunities are crucial to keeping customer service employees motivated and engaged. Employees should see value in the company and recognize the possibilities available to them. By providing training and access to relevant information, companies can empower support agents to take on more responsibilities and become experts in their field.

Building a culture that incentivizes employee initiatives and rewards their efforts in taking on greater responsibilities is essential. Employees should be encouraged to contribute their insights and takeaways from customer interactions to help shape product-market fit, feature rollouts, and new solutions. This horizontal process involvement allows support agents to play a larger role in the company’s success.

G. Setting up a Customer Service SOP

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is an essential tool for ensuring consistency and excellence in customer service. It serves as a playbook that outlines the specific customer service values and guidelines that employees should follow. SOPs provide a repeatable approach for identifying and resolving customer issues, ensuring that support agents are on the right track.

Mapping the customer journey is the first step in creating a customer service SOP. By identifying all the touchpoints where customers engage with the company, businesses can ensure a seamless and connected customer experience. SOPs also include aligning support benchmarks with service culture, analyzing customer needs using data, and efficiently managing escalations.

Pro tip: Make customer service values a part of your internal mission statement to empower employees to live by these values. Recognize and reward employees who embody these values, both formally and informally.

H. Continuous Improvement: The Key to Exceptional Customer Service

Continuous improvement is a vital customer service value that allows businesses to stay ahead of the competition. By consistently seeking feedback and analyzing customer experiences, companies can identify areas for improvement and enhance their customer service practices. Every interaction with a customer should be an opportunity to learn and grow.

Customer service metrics and analytics provide valuable insights into the performance of support teams. By collecting data and tracking key metrics, companies can identify trends, patterns, and areas that require attention. This data-driven approach helps foster a culture of continuous improvement and ensures that customer service remains a top priority.

Example: Dell, Inc. built a successful business by organizing itself around the idea of direct customer feedback. By listening to customers and continuously improving their products and services, Dell achieved remarkable growth and customer loyalty.

Customer service values are the foundation of exceptional customer experiences. By prioritizing support knowledge, empathy, transparency, and a customer-first approach, businesses can create a culture of excellence. Effective cross-collaboration, employee empowerment, and continuous improvement further enhance the delivery of outstanding customer service. By embracing these values and incorporating them into everyday practices, companies can build strong customer relationships, drive loyalty, and achieve long-term success in the market.


Customer Service 6

The Importance of Ongoing Training in Customer Service

Ongoing customer service training is incredibly vital for a company for several reasons:

1. Adaptation to Evolving Customer Expectations: Customer expectations constantly evolve. Training ensures that customer service teams are equipped to handle new needs, preferences, and challenges that arise, allowing them to provide relevant and satisfactory solutions.

2. Consistency in Service Quality: Regular training maintains a consistent standard of service across all customer touchpoints. It ensures that every interaction aligns with the company’s values, protocols, and desired customer experience.

3. Skill Enhancement: Training sessions provide opportunities to enhance skills such as active listening, problem-solving, empathy, and conflict resolution. Improved skills lead to more efficient and effective customer interactions.

4. Product and Process Updates: With ongoing training, employees stay updated on new products, services, features, and company processes. This knowledge enables them to better assist customers with accurate and up-to-date information.

5. Employee Engagement and Motivation: Regular training communicates to employees that their growth and development are valued by the company. It boosts morale, engagement, and job satisfaction, which positively impacts employee retention rates.

6. Adaptation to Technology and Tools: As technology advances, new tools and software are introduced to streamline customer service. Continuous training ensures that employees are proficient in utilizing these tools to deliver better service.

7. Handling Complex Situations: Ongoing training prepares employees to handle complex or escalated customer issues confidently. It equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate difficult situations effectively.

8. Competitive Edge: Companies that invest in ongoing training often differentiate themselves by providing superior customer service. This, in turn, can lead to increased customer loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and a competitive advantage in the market.

In essence, ongoing customer service training is not just beneficial; it’s essential for a company’s success in delivering exceptional customer experiences and maintaining a strong reputation.


Q&A Section:

1. How can setting customer service values impact a company’s culture?

Setting customer service values helps shape the company’s culture by providing a shared purpose and guiding principles. When everyone aligns with these values, it fosters a customer-centric mindset and a cohesive work environment.

2. How do customer service values benefit both employees and customers?

Customer service values create a positive work environment for employees, fostering motivation, empowerment, and a sense of purpose. For customers, these values translate into better experiences, trust, and satisfaction with the brand.

3. Is it necessary for leaders to actively demonstrate customer service values?

Absolutely. Leaders serve as role models, and their actions strongly influence the company culture. Actively demonstrating and embodying these values sets the tone for the entire organization.

4. How can a company ensure that customer service values are consistently upheld?

Consistent reinforcement of values through training, feedback, recognition, and integrating them into daily operations ensures their continual application across all levels of the organization.

5. What role does transparency play in customer service values?

Transparency is essential as it builds trust and effective communication with both employees and customers. It fosters honesty, openness, and accountability within the organization, leading to better customer relationships.

6. How do customer service values contribute to a company’s competitive advantage?

Customer service values differentiate a company by offering exceptional experiences. They lead to customer loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and a strong brand reputation, setting the company apart from its competitors.

7. Can customer service values evolve over time?

Yes, as customer needs, market trends, and the company’s goals change, customer service values can evolve. Regular assessment and adaptation of values ensure they remain relevant and aligned with the company’s vision.

8. What’s the importance of cross-collaboration in upholding customer service values?

Cross-collaboration ensures a seamless and consistent customer experience by aligning different departments towards shared customer service goals. It prevents silos and promotes a unified approach to customer satisfaction.

9. How can companies ensure that customer service values are integrated into everyday practices?

Integrating values into daily practices involves continuous reinforcement, providing resources, training, and creating an environment where these values are celebrated and rewarded.

10. What’s the significance of continuous improvement in the context of customer service values?

Continuous improvement ensures that customer service values are not stagnant but evolve with changing customer needs and industry standards. It fosters innovation and better ways to serve customers effectively.

The post The Power of Customer Service Values: Creating a Culture of Excellence appeared first on DMNews.

J.C. Penney: Holiday Marketing Sneak Peek Wed, 25 Oct 2023 17:55:03 +0000 The famous retailer J.C. Penney has just unveiled its long-awaited holiday marketing playbook, providing an early look at…

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The famous retailer J.C. Penney has just unveiled its long-awaited holiday marketing playbook, providing an early look at its ambitious Q4 strategy. The strategy is part of the company’s $1 billion turnaround plan to reposition the brand and drive positive change by emphasizing value and accessibility. This article explores the central tenets of J.C. Penney’s holiday marketing strategy, such as the retailer’s emphasis on hard-working families, discounts, video ads, social media challenges, creator partnerships, and more.

Rebranding for Ease of Use and Customer Dedication

J.C. Penney’s brand repositioning efforts serve as the cornerstone of the retailer’s holiday marketing strategy. The store has redirected its attention to working families in an effort to make fashion more affordable and the shopping experience more satisfying for all customers. The new “Make It Count” advertising campaign represents the company’s dedication to diversity, customer satisfaction, and giving back to the local community. CEO Marc Rosen remarked that this dedication is essential during the holiday season.

New “Make Your Holidays Count” video advertisements are representative of the brand’s rebranding efforts. J.C. Penney has been around for more than 120 years, and these commercials celebrate that heritage. The commercials, which feature a diverse cast, highlight the brand’s ability to personalize every gift and give consumers value for their money. The campaign serves to reaffirm J.C. Penney’s commitment to assisting middle-class families in making the most of their holiday budgets.

The Importance of Anticipating Customer Needs

J.C. Penney commissioned the first annual “Make it Count” Holiday Report, which examines the spending intentions of U.S. consumers, to inform its seasonal strategy. While consumers still place a premium on moments that make them feel good, the report shows that they are feeling the financial pinch. J.C. Penney’s marketing strategy is informed by this knowledge and is geared toward giving customers opportunities to save money and having meaningful interactions with the brand.

The Penney Prepper Test: Low-Cost Entertaining

The “Penney Prepper Challenge,” an exciting new initiative from J.C. Penney, will debut in November and put customers’ hosting skills to the test. The #PenneyPrepperChallenge encourages participants to throw a party for their friends and family while spending no more than $300. Customers have the opportunity to share their opinions on the best displays and get ideas for their own celebrations. Actor Tia Mowry, who is well-known for her festive at-home recipes, will share her hosting expertise as well as her personal favorites from the challenge.

Since the company’s Holiday Report reveals that many consumers have no plans to reduce spending on holiday entertaining, the Penney Prepper Challenge is in line with consumer preferences. Indeed, more than half of those who participated said they planned to spend more than $300 on holiday celebrations. J.C. Penney aims to please these customers by providing reasonably priced goods and a pleasant shopping environment.

Tips for Making the Most of Black Friday

When it comes to holiday marketing, J.C. Penney doesn’t stop with Black Friday. The company understands the importance of giving customers opportunities to save money before, during, and after the holiday shopping season. The retailer will begin the savings on November 3 with its Black Friday Early Access sale. Many of J.C. Penney’s best-selling holiday items will be available at the same price or lower than in previous years, with some items even priced below their 2018 levels.

This frugal strategy is designed to attract shoppers who are patient enough to wait for the best products and prices before making their holiday purchases. The company’s dedication to providing exceptional value is demonstrated by its efforts to keep prices at or below Black Friday levels while providing shoppers with multiple convenient payment options.

The doors to J.C. Penney stores will swing open at 5 a.m. on Black Friday, welcoming customers with special deals and freebies. The store is planning several other sales events to continue the momentum after Black Friday. Bonus Rewards points can be earned by taking the Holiday Gift Finder quiz, and J.C. Penney rewards members will get an early look at the full Black Friday ad on November 1. These actions are part of J.C. Penney’s turnaround strategy to increase customer loyalty.

Improving Customer Service in Stores

J.C. Penney understands the value of providing a streamlined in-store experience in response to customer demands for a more transparent value proposition. This year, stores and websites will be more forthright with their positioning and pricing. The store has also made an effort to create more in-store destinations for bigger gifting, giving customers the convenience of shopping for everything they need in a single location.

J.C. Penney has also released new products that can serve as inspiration for holiday presents. Experts in their fields, such as Martha Stewart and chef Jenny Martinez, have collaborated to create one-of-a-kind collections that appeal to a wide range of consumers. The company has also broadened its clothing offerings by teaming up with influential figures in the fashion industry, such as Jason Bolden. Many of these outfits can be purchased for less than $100, making them accessible to middle-class families on a budget.

See first source: Marketing Dive


1. What is the central focus of J.C. Penney’s holiday marketing strategy?

J.C. Penney’s holiday marketing strategy centers around rebranding to cater to working families, making fashion more affordable, and emphasizing customer satisfaction.

2. What is the “Make It Count” advertising campaign, and why is it significant for J.C. Penney?

The “Make It Count” campaign is part of the brand’s repositioning efforts. It signifies J.C. Penney’s commitment to diversity, customer dedication, and community involvement, particularly during the holiday season.

3. How does J.C. Penney plan to connect with consumers during the holidays?

J.C. Penney commissioned the “Make it Count” Holiday Report to understand consumer spending intentions. They aim to provide opportunities for customers to save money and have meaningful interactions with the brand based on this report.

4. What is the “Penney Prepper Challenge,” and why is it being introduced?

The “Penney Prepper Challenge” encourages customers to host parties for friends and family, spending no more than $300. It aligns with consumer preferences for holiday entertaining, as revealed in the Holiday Report.

5. How is J.C. Penney planning to help customers save during the holiday season?

J.C. Penney will kick off its savings with a Black Friday Early Access sale on November 3. They will offer holiday items at competitive prices and provide convenient payment options. The store will also open at 5 a.m. on Black Friday, offering special deals and freebies.

6. What efforts is J.C. Penney making to enhance the in-store shopping experience?

J.C. Penney is focusing on providing a more transparent value proposition. Stores and websites will have clear pricing. The company has also created in-store destinations for holiday shopping convenience and collaborated with experts to offer unique collections.

7. Who are some of the notable figures and collaborators mentioned in J.C. Penney’s holiday marketing strategy?

J.C. Penney has collaborated with figures such as Martha Stewart, chef Jenny Martinez, and fashion influencer Jason Bolden to create one-of-a-kind collections. These collaborations offer affordable fashion choices for middle-class families.

8. What are some of the key dates and events associated with J.C. Penney’s holiday marketing strategy?

Key dates include the Black Friday Early Access sale starting on November 3, Black Friday store opening at 5 a.m., and J.C. Penney rewards members gaining early access to the full Black Friday ad on November 1. These events are part of the company’s efforts to increase customer loyalty.

Featured Image Credit: Chad Madden; Unsplash – Thank you!

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Immersive Experiences: The Future of Retail Tue, 24 Oct 2023 16:46:19 +0000 The retail industry is becoming increasingly competitive, so businesses are turning to interactive experiences to set themselves apart…

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The retail industry is becoming increasingly competitive, so businesses are turning to interactive experiences to set themselves apart and build stronger relationships with customers. Fifty-five percent of US brands and retailers across different categories, according to a recent study by Obsess and Coresight Research, plan to increase their investments in immersive experiences over the next three years. The need to boost customer acquisition, loyalty, conversions, and expansion has led to this increase in spending.

Where to Put Your Money First

The study’s emphasis on investment priorities is key to understanding the future of immersive experiences in retail. In the next 12 months, we will focus primarily on:

  • Content customization made possible by data analysis and artificial intelligence
  • Compatible with virtual and augmented realities digital mannequin
  • Online shops
  • Online shows and parades of fashion
  • Buying in Groups
  • Livestreaming
  • Shopping as a game

These priorities shed light on where brands and retailers are placing their attention in order to reap the rewards of immersive experiences.

Online and Offline Convergence through Virtual Stores

Brands and retailers are increasingly putting money into online virtual stores to improve the customer’s overall shopping experience. The Beverly Hills Virtual Store by Ralph Lauren and the Virtual Beach House by J.Crew are two such examples. The research shows that 61% of businesses have already established successful online stores. A staggering 91% of these businesses said they saw a rise in online sales after opening their virtual stores.

Shoppers can peruse and buy from virtual stores in an online setting designed to feel like a real one. Brands can engage customers more deeply by letting them virtually try on products, browse different sections, and ask questions of knowledgeable virtual assistants thanks to technological advancements. Connecting the online and offline worlds in this way increases customer involvement and ultimately boosts revenue.

Content Powered by Artificial Intelligence: Mass Customization

Brands and retailers are also heavily investing in AI-powered content for personalization. With the help of AI, businesses can more precisely target specific demographics of customers with targeted messaging and content. According to the data, the majority (71%) of the companies in the survey have already made investments in this area.

64% of these businesses saw an increase in click-through rates, 65% in average time spent on their platforms, and 61% in Net Promoter Scores after implementing these strategies. Brands can increase customer loyalty and retention by providing a more individualized and exciting experience for each customer through the use of personalized content.

The Funnification of Shopping Through Gamification

As more and more companies compete in the e-commerce space, consumers have shown an increased interest in gamified shopping experiences. In this sector, you can put money into things like interactive polls and quizzes, virtual currency, and missions with points and rewards for completing them. 40% of businesses in the survey have already implemented gamified shopping experiences, and the results have been positive so far, according to the study.

Seventy percent of businesses that gamified their shopping experiences saw an increase in user engagement as a result. Brands can increase customer engagement, boost sales, and make the shopping experience more fun by using gamification techniques.

Social Shopping: Bringing the Social Experience Online

Brands and retailers have recognized the importance of social shopping in an era when social media plays such a pivotal role in consumers’ daily lives. Users can invite their friends to join them in a shopping experience, recreating in-store interactions with virtual representations of themselves. Sixty-five percent of businesses in the survey have already made investments in social shopping, and the results have been very positive, especially for non-fashion retailers.

35% of non-clothing retailers and 15% of clothing retailers both reported substantial growth in online sales. In addition, 49% of non-fashion retailers, compared to 48% of fashion retailers, saw moderate growth in online sales. Brands can leverage the persuasiveness of word-of-mouth advertising by encouraging customers to talk about their purchases, recommendations, and overall experiences on social media.

The Role of Fully Immersive Retail Experiences

The importance of immersive experiences for brands and retailers seeking to stand out in today’s crowded retail market cannot be overstated. Brands need to get creative to compete with the likes of Amazon and Walmart, the two biggest names in online retail. Amazon is expected to make up 37.6% of US retail e-commerce sales this year, while Walmart will make up another 6.8%, according to industry forecasts.

Brands and stores will only succeed in this market if they create interactive experiences that are tailored to the preferences of their target demographic. Companies can better connect with their customers by investing in innovative channels like social shopping, gamified retail, and virtual stores powered by artificial intelligence.

See first source: Insider Intelligence


Q1: Why are brands and retailers investing in immersive experiences?

A1: The competitive nature of the retail industry is driving businesses to invest in immersive experiences to enhance customer acquisition, loyalty, conversions, and expansion.

Q2: What are the key investment priorities for immersive experiences in retail?

A2: The top priorities include content customization using data analysis and AI, virtual and augmented reality digital mannequins, online shops, online fashion shows and parades, group buying, livestreaming, and gamified shopping.

Q3: How are virtual stores impacting the retail industry?

A3: Virtual stores like the Beverly Hills Virtual Store by Ralph Lauren and the Virtual Beach House by J.Crew enhance the shopping experience. Businesses report a significant rise in online sales (91%) after establishing successful virtual stores.

Q4: What role does artificial intelligence play in immersive retail experiences?

A4: AI-powered content personalization helps businesses target specific customer demographics with tailored messaging. This approach leads to increased click-through rates (64%), longer time spent on platforms (65%), and higher Net Promoter Scores (61%).

Q5: What is gamified shopping, and how is it benefiting businesses?

A5: Gamified shopping involves interactive polls, quizzes, virtual currency, and missions with rewards. Forty percent of businesses have implemented gamified shopping, resulting in a 70% increase in user engagement.

Q6: What is social shopping, and how are brands leveraging it?

A6: Social shopping allows users to shop with friends in virtual settings. Sixty-five percent of businesses have invested in social shopping, leading to substantial growth in online sales, especially for non-fashion retailers.

Q7: Why are fully immersive retail experiences crucial in today’s retail market?

A7: To compete with industry giants like Amazon and Walmart, brands must create tailored interactive experiences. Investments in social shopping, gamified retail, and AI-powered virtual stores help businesses better connect with customers and stand out in the market.

Featured Image Credit: Ameer Basheer; Unsplash – Thank you!

The post Immersive Experiences: The Future of Retail appeared first on DMNews.

Understanding the Logistics Behind E-Commerce Fulfillment Mon, 16 Oct 2023 20:52:53 +0000 E-commerce has transformed the way we shop, making it more convenient than ever to purchase products online. Behind…

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E-commerce has transformed the way we shop, making it more convenient than ever to purchase products online. Behind this seamless experience lies a complex process known as e-commerce fulfillment. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the logistics behind e-commerce fulfillment, shedding light on the intricate operations that ensure your online orders reach your doorstep efficiently.

The E-Commerce Fulfillment Process Unveiled

Order Processing

The e-commerce fulfillment journey begins with the placement of an order on a website. Once you’ve selected your items and completed the checkout process, your order enters the system.

Inventory Management

Inventory management plays a pivotal role in e-commerce fulfillment. Retailers need to track stock levels, update product availability, and manage storage space effectively.

Picking and Packing

Once an order is received, the items are picked from the warehouse shelves and carefully packed to ensure they arrive in pristine condition.

Logistics and Transportation

Shipping Methods

E-commerce retailers offer various shipping options, including standard, expedited, and same-day delivery. Each method involves a unique set of logistics.

Last-Mile Delivery

Last-mile delivery is the final leg of the shipping journey, where the package is delivered to the customer’s doorstep. This phase often presents logistical challenges. Consider to secure your packaging with better customization.

Returns and Exchanges

The logistics of handling returns and exchanges are a crucial aspect of e-commerce fulfillment, ensuring customer satisfaction even when a product isn’t the perfect fit.

Warehousing and Storage

Types of Warehouses

E-commerce businesses may use different types of warehouses, such as fulfillment centers, distribution centers, and third-party logistics providers.

Optimizing Storage

Efficient storage practices, like using pallet racks and automated systems, are essential to streamline order fulfillment.

Inventory Tracking

Real-time inventory tracking ensures that products are readily available for shipment, reducing delays.

Technology in E-Commerce Fulfillment

Order Management Systems (OMS)

OMS software streamlines the order fulfillment process by centralizing order processing, inventory management, and shipping.

Automation and Robotics

Warehouses are increasingly using automation and robotics to expedite the picking and packing process.

Data Analytics

Data analytics helps e-commerce retailers make informed decisions about inventory management, demand forecasting, and customer preferences.

The Role of E-Commerce Fulfillment Centers

Third-Party Fulfillment

Many e-commerce businesses partner with third-party centers to handle their logistics, allowing them to focus on core activities like marketing and product development.

Global Reach

Fulfillment centers often have a global reach, enabling e-commerce businesses to expand their customer base beyond borders.


Third-party fulfillment centers offer scalability, allowing businesses to adapt to seasonal fluctuations and growth.

Challenges and Solutions

Peak Seasons

Peak shopping seasons, like holidays and promotional events, can strain e-commerce fulfillment systems. Planning and preparation are key to managing increased demand.

Inventory Accuracy

Maintaining accurate inventory records is a challenge, but technologies like RFID and barcoding can help improve accuracy.

Shipping Costs

Balancing affordable shipping options with fast delivery can be challenging. Negotiating with shipping carriers and optimizing packaging can help reduce costs.

Conclusion: The Backbone of E-Commerce Success

E-commerce fulfillment is the backbone of the online shopping experience. Behind every click to purchase lies a complex web of logistics, technology, and strategic planning. By understanding the intricacies of e-commerce fulfillment, businesses can ensure that customers receive their orders accurately and on time, leading to greater customer satisfaction and success in the world of online retail.

Learn more about the world of e-commerce fulfillment at ShipNetwork, where logistics excellence meets the demands of the digital age.

The post Understanding the Logistics Behind E-Commerce Fulfillment appeared first on DMNews.

Unpacking 2023 Retail CX Trends: The New Rules of the Game for Marketers Thu, 07 Sep 2023 17:49:06 +0000 The retail sector is experiencing unprecedented shifts in customer expectations, technological advancements, and competitive pressures. With digital transformation…

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The retail sector is experiencing unprecedented shifts in customer expectations, technological advancements, and competitive pressures. With digital transformation taking center stage, traditional retail paradigms are being disrupted. Customer experience (CX) is now the most critical differentiator for brands. Here is a look at seven retail CX trends for 2023 that every marketer needs to know.

1. The Rising Power of Online Reviews: A Deeper Dive

Customer reviews have become the digital equivalent of word-of-mouth recommendations, serving as trust signals for prospective consumers. The pandemic has accelerated online shopping, with 87% of consumers relying more heavily on online reviews than before. But reviews do more than provide a look at trending customer sentiment – they also offer actionable insights. Savvy brands take advantage of Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to identify recurring themes and patterns providing critical data points for product improvements or customer service training. Marketers should actively manage this digital asset through systematic monitoring and thoughtful responses.

2. Being Found Online Isn’t Enough: Mastering Local SEO

Local SEO is a goldmine for retailers, especially those with brick-and-mortar outlets. The surge in “near me” queries on search engines shows the consumer’s intent to visit physical stores after conducting online research. In 2022, 72% of consumers who used a search engine for a local query visited a business within a five mile radius. Brands can capitalize on this trend through hyper-local targeting. Consistency in business information across platforms, implementing schema markup for local businesses, and leveraging local citations are crucial. Additionally, strategic collaborations with local influencers can also drive footfall to the store, making a real impact on sales.

3. The Double-Edged Sword of Negative Reviews: Engaging with Customer Feedback

Negative reviews have a silver lining. In fact, approximately 82% of consumers actively seek them out, and some would be wary of a brand with no negative reviews. Engaging with negative – and positive – reviews is a tremendous opportunity for brands to demonstrate exemplary customer service. Companies can provide tailored responses to reviews to resolve customer issues transparently, effectively converting a dissatisfied customer into a brand advocate. With AI-powered sentiment analysis, brands can proactively identify and address potential issues, long before they escalate into PR nightmares.

4. Gen Z: The New Game Changers: How to Build a Brand They’ll Love

Gen Z’s massive $360 billion in worldwide spending power commands attention. For marketers, understanding Gen Z’s unique characteristics is imperative. This generation places immense value on authenticity, sustainability, diversity, and inclusion. Brands that align their messaging and practices with these principles are more likely to gain traction. Interactive and experiential marketing strategies like augmented reality or even virtual pop-up shops, can provide personalized experiences that resonate with this digital-first demographic.

5. The Emergence of Total Experience (TX): Why Stop at CX?

Total experience (TX) is emerging as the next frontier. Beyond focusing solely on the customer, TX blends employee experience with customer experience for a more holistic approach. This dual focus results in a 25% higher performance metric, as research shows. By cultivating a strong workplace culture and facilitating better employee engagement, companies can create a ripple effect that positively impacts customer interactions. Businesses adopting a TX approach are more agile and better prepared to adapt to rapid market changes.

6. The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): More Than Just a Buzzword

While customer benefits account for 47% of brand perception, ethical considerations are gaining ground. Brands must be transparent and authentic in their CSR initiatives, clearly communicating their actions to the public. Collaborative CSR efforts, where consumers can actively participate in cause-driven campaigns, can deepen the emotional connection between the brand and the customer, enhancing loyalty.

7. The 360° Customer Experience: Beyond the Point of Purchase

It’s no longer enough for brands to focus solely on acquiring new customers. A remarkable 73% of consumers say that retail CX is as important as the product and price. Customer journey mapping is essential, extending beyond the point of purchase to include after-sales support, like installation or assembly services, seamless return policies, and robust loyalty programs. Personalized email campaigns or app notifications based on customer behavior can further enrich this 360° customer experience.

The Big Picture: Future-Proofing Retail Marketing

The convergence of online and offline experiences, accelerated by the pandemic, is redefining the rules of retail marketing in 2023. As we look towards 2024, agility, adaptability, and a relentless focus on the customer are the keys to success. To stay ahead, brands need to invest in technology stacks that offer actionable insights into customer behavior. They must also build resilient teams that can adapt to evolving consumer demands quickly. Beyond keeping pace with these trends, companies must also anticipate future shifts, adapting strategies in real-time to capitalize on emerging opportunities. In the intensely competitive retail landscape, understanding these retail CX trends is not just beneficial; it’s essential for long-term success.


About the Author:

Cynthia is the President of Go-to-Market, Chatmeter. She brings nearly 25 years of experience to Chatmeter with a background in local SEO, product development, strategic marketing, revenue generation, and sales. Cynthia’s customer-centric approach to driving business value, growth, and revenue will support Chatmeter’s expansion into new verticals. She joined Chatmeter from a previous role as VP of operations and product at Rio SEO and has held leadership roles at data-centric organizations such as Acxiom, Hanley Wood, and Constellation Software. Cynthia is an active Forbes Council contributing author.

Cynthia S Chatmeter


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Virtual Production Is Transforming the Future of Retail Marketing and So Much More Wed, 23 Aug 2023 16:00:43 +0000 What is virtual production? Virtual Production (VP) combines traditional filming techniques with virtual environments and computer graphics to…

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What is virtual production?

Virtual Production (VP) combines traditional filming techniques with virtual environments and computer graphics to create immersive video experiences. Real-life elements, sometimes referred to as “practical elements,” include props, talent, and pieces of the set. These exist in the foreground of the shot. Behind them includes a massive LED screen called the volume that displays the virtual environment. So, through camera-tracking technology, these link together to create a single, cohesive image on camera.

Why should marketers consider virtual production?

Creative teams no longer find themselves confined by the limitations of physical environments. This allows them to have more creative freedom and opportunities. Productions are more efficient because real-time VFX rendering in-camera means less to do in post. VP is also more convenient. Filming in a studio reduces travel burden and eases schedule demands, reducing the need for location changes or overnight filming.

Digging into tools and technology of VP

Using in-camera visual effects (ICVFX), precision camera tracking, and Epic Games Unreal Engine software, you are now able to combine immersive, photorealistic environments with real-world elements. So, the lines between virtual reality and reality converge, creating a seamless visual experience.

VP relies on a virtual-art department to create renderings that showcase the realistic environment. If a background doesn’t exist, it can be built from scratch. The technology makes it possible to create and shoot tabletops, exteriors, interiors, and almost anything in the environment.

Because VP gives you total control over the environment, from the practical elements (or props) to the on-screen environments you’ve created in Unreal Engine, you are now able to avoid a lot of surprises and time-consuming, tactical creative conversations that have to be talked through on location.

Fueling production efficiency with VP

Efficiency becomes more than a promise with VP. It’s the innovative result of an agile new workflow that creates opportunities to use time and money more effectively.

Beyond the traditional principal photography on the LED wall, a successful VP shoot requires creative and technical synchronization between the technology and the people using it. On-set production teams include the VFX department, a virtual-art department, and a highly detailed production plan. All are built around maximizing the storytelling potential. To successfully execute that plan, the LED volume operators, virtual gaffers, and DPs, as well as the game engine operators in the brain bar, all play a critical role in a successful shoot.

Many aspects of the post-production process merg into the pre-production phase. They push key stakeholders to align on critical creative and logistic decisions before turning the cameras on. All of the elements have already been decided. From the store signage to the products on the shelves and other environmental details, everything is created beforehand.

Now, instead of scrambling to make adjustments while the stress builds and the budget starts to burn, you can spend that time focused on getting the best performance possible from your talent. In this respect, virtual production can eliminate a lot of trial and error. Additionally, it helps to maximize the efficiency of your production.

retail marketing production
A virtual production photoshoot in a pharmacy setting

More for retail marketing

VP makes it easy to create environments and bring potential spaces to life. Even if they don’t exist in the physical world. Retailers can now create new footprints for their products and even film in prototype stores.

Beyond aesthetics, it allows for an immersive and strategic approach to the customer experience. This gives retailers more flexibility to better inform construction choices, product placement, and fixture needs when making merchandising and floor plan decisions.

One of the more focused VP capabilities that retailers can benefit from is the ability to use photogrammetry for products.

By scanning a specific product and creating a 3D replica of it in a VP library, it’s possible to enhance the lighting and product texture to create photorealistic visualizations for virtual product placement.

Retailers can streamline their marketing efforts by creating tailored virtual experiences for their target audiences, at a reduced cost, with less reliance on physical inventory and traditional photography. Enhancing product representation overall on all platforms can tell a more cohesive brand story. Additionally, when paired with better product representation, it should translate to increased sales conversions.

Chasing the story instead of the sun

With VP, you now have total control of the environment, including lighting, weather, crowds, and whatever else might be needed to get the perfect shot. You’re able to reduce the number of variables associated with travel, obtaining permits and location scouting with a more streamlined process in a more controlled environment.

While troubleshooting production pivots can build character and bolster resourcefulness, they can also add unnecessary stress to shoots — disrupting focus, flow, and creative execution. They can become costly, creating the need for extra shoot days, location changes, or overtime required to get the job done.

Golden hour no longer runs the shoot schedule and location scouting becomes a task of the imagination.

watching show production
How virtual production comes together in-camera

Are you ready for VP?

You can now create authentic, in-store, or in-outer space retail environments without leaving the studio. We can’t make time stand still, but we can shoot you in Madagascar in the morning and Tokyo in the afternoon without the travel costs.

Built on our foundation of strategy + creative, our (add)galaxies Virtual Production Studio opens the door to endless creative possibilities and the chance to explore things that have never been done before. Wherever your brand needs to be, (add)ventures can take you there.

The post Virtual Production Is Transforming the Future of Retail Marketing and So Much More appeared first on DMNews.
